Bringing Relaxation into the Bedroom Romp

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Relaxation doesn’t sound like it belongs in the same conversation with sex. The fact is that relaxation goes hand and hand with pleasure and sexual function. Learning to bring in some relaxation techniques can really amp up the pleasure of the bedroom romp.

Relaxation can become a key player when other barriers like anxiety, shame and spectatoring get in the way. Relaxation can help remove these barriers and let sexual function return to a normal progressions. Normal sexual function moves through different stages of comfort, pleasure, arousal, eroticism and finally orgasm.

Of course, relaxing during sexual play is a lot easier said then done. Proerection medication can help. This type of medication does the work when the mind can’t. It relaxes the muscle groups surrounding the arteries that feed the penis. This increases the blood flow causing a better erection.

Men can actually learn to relax this musculature structure mentally. It just takes a little time and practice. The first step is to utilize the self-entrancement arousal approach.

In order to do this, the man needs to lay back and open the mind to the experience of touch. This is touching for the sake of touching. It is meant to be passive. The man needs to forget about stimulating his partner, fantasies and getting turned on.

This is a moment of simply taking in all the sensations and feelings that come with non-genital touching. The touch is still sensual, but it is not concentrated to the hot zone. Keeping the eyes closed may help the man stay focused on the experience of sensual touch.

Sexuality thrives on the ability to share pleasurable touching. When function and pleasure are in harmony, sexual health thrives. Function is the process of natural sexual response. It is the budding of desire, the burning of arousal, the peaking of orgasm and the after-glow of satisfaction.

The function is enhanced when pleasure comes into play. The inner workings of the psychosexual skills make function and pleasure even stronger. These skills include a man’s ability to see his partner as an intimate friend, embracing his personal body reality and feeling in control of his sexuality. It also includes the ability enjoy the give and take of a strong relationship, the comfort to experiment with sexual scenarios and loving the entire partner interaction.

When function is replaced with the pressure of performance, the sexual health suffers. Sex on demand can be a killer to the entire sexual experience. This happens quite often with couples who are on strict schedules due to infertility problems. When sex is no longer fun, men may avoid it entirely in order to escape the anxiety, embarrassment and frustration.

Most men don’t associate the importance of relaxation with sexual health. The reality is that sex that is supposed to be fun, non pressure and pleasurable. When men can learn to relax and just enjoy the entire process from the first sensual touch to the after-glow, they can open a whole new door to the entire sexual experience.


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